So, it turns out me and Riss may not be the most efficient job hunters ever. After the orientation yesterday, we went to a cute little sandwich/burger place for lunch. I found out that in London, you apparently don't always get what you think you ordered. Anyway, my beans and breakfast sausage was surprisingly good, even if it wasn't quite the burger I was shooting for. After that, we split up because Riss was exhausted/jet lagged and I wanted to keep 'job hunting'. I found one super cute sports bar/pub in an awesome neighborhood that was all decked out for the world cup, and I gave my resume there, but after that I was a bit less productive. At the next pub I went to, there were a couple postal workers at a table having some beers, so they told me to come over for a beer. Never being one to turn down free beer, of course I said yes! In the course of talking to them, they started recommending other pubs and bars around the area. One of them volunteered to walk me to the next one (after he stopped in to work b/c they were all supposed to be working but had taken a 3 hour break . . . apparently that's normal here?), so this guy ended up walking with me around the area to a couple different pubs. At each one, I would walk in, ask if they were looking for any more employees, they would say no, and the postal worker would buy me another beer in that pub. So, it ended up being a great afternoon, although no job yet! After that, I navigated the tube all by myself and came back and met my little sis Liz at our hostel, and hung out with her for a while. I bought her phone off of her, so I'm beginning to feel a bit more like a real person here. Then me and Riss went out for the most incredible Indian food ever, and came back to the hostel to pass out for the night at promptly 9 pm on our first friday in london. Are we cool or what? Anyway, the goal for today is to try to find an apartment as we have to be out of our hostel at 10 am tomorrow . . . wish us luck!
Thanks for keeping us posted! I love reading about your adventures. Hopefully the cute first pub will work out.
So, if you end up living on the streets of london because you spent too much time writing in the blog instead of finding an apartment, I'm gonna laugh! Sure, I'll be a little sad on the inside, but I'll be laughing on the outside.
Nah, I'm just kiddin'. Good luck!
Glad you're getting good Indian food and beer, even if you're not getting a job.
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