Leah's blog

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Ok mr. daddy with your apartment comments, we went apartment ('flat') hunting all day yesterday. Granted, we didn't find anything that worked for us, but we got to explore about a million different neighborhoods of london and really get an awesome feel for the city and what we want and such. One other important thing we learned is that the tube (metro) map here is not to scale at all. The mayor did that a while ago to trick people into thinking the suberbs are closer than they are are moving out there. So anyway, we fell for that yesterday and set up two flat viewings in a neighborhood that seemed a bit out there but not too far, but after a long tube ride followed by a 15 minute normal train ride, we got to a suberb that pretty much only had a gas station and a carpet store, and decided it probably wasn't for us. Either way, we were both in good spirits through the entire day, and I just stopped by the newstand on my way to the internet cafe and got a whole new ginormous book of classifieds that comes out everyday, so we'll do it all again today!

As for last night, it was awesome!!!! It turns out the outlet in our hostel room doesn't work, and I needed to charge my cell phone so I can call apartment people all day today, so while Riss took a nap, I went down to one of the lounges in the hostel and plugged my phone in under the toaster table and just sat there to make sure nobody took it. While I was there, I made friends with an awesome giant from New Jersey (as in 6'7"!), and he said he was travelling alone and felt weird going out by himself, so I told him to come out with me and Riss. He turns out to be absolutely awesome (Jamey-- if you're blog-stalking me, he reminds me a lot of you!) So the 3 of us went to Leicester square, which apart from being one of the yellows on our british monopoly I've played for years, is an awesome area with tons of bars and pubs and street musicians and a big merry-go-round, so we went to a couple bars there. As we were running to get the last tube home, we ran into this group of 5 british girls, and somehow in the elevator we became friends with them and they insisted we come out to a different neighborhood with them. So, for some reason they had to split up (I think one of them had a car somewhere or something), but me and Riss and Matt (the N.J. giant) went off with two of them. I swear, these two girls (Rachel and Sabrina) are the exact british versions of me and Riss, and we absolutely loved them! We had such a fun night, just sitting in some Cuban club talking with these girls and their friends. We exchanged numbers, and today they're going to take us to the Jewish neighborhood to look for apartments there b/c they say that's a really fun neighborhood to live in. (oh yeah, they're all Jewish too, and super cute, so we officially have friends in london!) Ok, kudos to you guys if you made it to the end of this massive post, keep the comments coming, I love them!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

let me know if you meet the british version of me

11:58 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Me, too. Perhaps the British version of me will give you a convertible.

2:33 PM  

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