Change of plans! Sorry I've been bad about updating this. Me and Riss spent a couple days looking for apartments together here, but we had completely different styles of going about this and ended up driving each other completely crazy, so we decided to get individual apartments (or flatshares as they call it here, where you basically just get a room in someone else's apartment) near each other instead. So we did that yesterday, and I found a cute little place in an apartment with an English guy and 2 Spanish girls, and its in a real good neighborhood that I like a ton, but Riss couldn't find any apartment that worked for her. So Riss came home really sad/frustrated/homesick, and is considering going home early (but I think she's gonna stick it out!), and so kind of because of the possibility of Riss leaving and kind of independently, I decided I'm just going to stay in London for another week or so, and then just travel around Europe trying to see everything between now and august (yes, like my parents told me to do all along . . . maybe they are right every now and then!) . That way, I'll just move into a new hostel for the next week and Riss can move into the place I found yesterday, and it works out for everyone!
Besides that, I'm still having a fantastic time in London! Everybody here is so nice, and I'm starting to feel really comfortable with the city and figuring everything out. We've been hanging out with our giant a lot, and he's an awesome guy to explore the city with. The other night, me and the giant pretty much spent 5 hours just walking around the city and hopping on random free buses and getting off wherever they took us, and flipping coins to decide which way to turn, and just exploring the city like that. I think today I'm going to start being a real tourist, and go to Buckingham Palace and the Tower of London and all those kind of things.
If anyone has cool ideas for cities I should definitely get to while I'm here, let me know! I'm planning on at least making it to spain, france, and Italy, and then ending in the Czech republic when Lizzy and David get there.
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