Leah's blog

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

T minus 2 hours til take off!

Ok, packing is done! I just got back from Lauren's house, and I'm waking up in 2 hours (a.k.a. 3:15 am!!), and then I'm flying to Boston and meeting Riss there, and then we're off to London! and yes, we still have no idea where we'll work or live or anything like that, but we do have a hostel booked for the first 3 nights, so we'll take it from there. Any bets for how far along in the plane ride I'll be before I realize I forgot to bring something really important? I know I got my passport and blue card, so hopefully anything else I forgot won't be too important . . . here's to hoping!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Hey guys! If you're reading this, that means I actually set this crazy thing up right. (you know how good I am with technology!) Anyway, hopefully I'll be able to use this to keep all of you guys who rock my world updated about me and riss's crazy adventures in London this summer. I'll try to send out personal emails as much as I can, but since I'll have to pay for internet cafes, I may just be blogging. (of course, you all are still welcome to send me personal emails!) Ok, 1 day til I leave, so if you want to get your goodbyes in do it tomorrow!